Extinct elm trees found at Queen’s residence at Edinburgh


The tress that were earlier believed had become extinct, have now been discovered at the official residence of the Queen in Scotland. Two of the Wentworth elms were identified at the garden of the Queen at the Palace of Holyroodhouse which is near to the centre of Edinburgh.


Since the rare tress have been found, tree experts are finding ways to propagate the rare specimens that carry the botanical name Ulmus Wentworthii pendula. The mature trees were identified by Max Coleman from the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh. The trees were identified during a tree survey after they were noted as being unusual.
Coleman said, “Such a discovery when the trees in question are just shy of 100ft and in plain sight does sound rather odd”. The Royal Botanical Garden Authority while talking about the survival of the rare trees said that they might have survived when the Edinburgh Council was surveying and had removed the diseased elms since the 1980s.
Scientists opined that the Wentworth elm was introduced to cultivation during the late 19th century but was wiped out due to the Dutch elm disease epidemic. It had destroyed more than 75m UK trees during the late 20th century. The palace trees have been identified but it is still not clear where the two specimens have come from.

Photo Credits: express