United Kingdom to prepare volunteers to administer future COVID-19 vaccine


The government of United Kingdom is planning a mass immunization program to eradicate COVID-19. There are chances that nearly thousands of volunteers , who do not have any medical background could be trained to administer the vaccine under the immunization plan. One of the organizations which is already planning to train is St. John Ambulance.

The organization is training people who register themselves as a representative for the charity. St. John Ambulance said that the volunteers who will be receiving training, in the future would be administering the actual vaccine to the patients. The volunteers will also have to be able enough to handle in case of any adverse effects on the patient. It was also revealed that the only criteria is that the volunteer has to be between the age of 18 to 69 and should be at low risk of COVID-19 and should also be prepared to undergo a reference check.

It was the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization that recommended the government to allow the non-medics to administer the COVID-19 vaccine that will be released in future. This was when the government introduced a new national protocol. In the month of October, 2020 a law was amended so that more healthcare workers including the paramedics, student doctors, physiotherapists and nurses along with doctors and nurses would be allowed to vaccinate the crowd. Not the law has been further extended to include people who are in no way registered as healthcare professionals and would be able to safely deliver a COVID-19 or influenza vaccine .

St. Ambulance chief Richard Lee said that it is proud to support the NHS staff that will be preparing to deliver the vaccine when it becomes available. A couple of candidates like Moderna, Pfizer and Astrazeneca are likely to come up with a potential and effective COVID-19 vaccine. The world is waiting for a potential vaccine to deal with the pandemic.

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