Oil Spill Gulf Of Mexico 2010 Burned in Hope to Save the Coasts


UK Today News: Oil Spill Gulf Of Mexico 2010 Burned in Hope to Save the Coasts

Coast Guards and the BP officials took the initiative to burn the Oil of the Coast of Mexico in hope to save the Coast from pollution.
oil spill gulf of mexico 2010

The British Petroleum officials were not able to stop the flow of the leak from the Oil well that exploded last week, so took on to burning the oil to save the coasts wildlife, tourism and the livelihoods of the fishermen.

The well is spewing oil at the rate of 5000 barrels a day, so the government officials told the BP to get help from the Defense Ministry. On Wednesday the company cornered the thickest areas of most affected oil slick and burned it for around 28 minutes, so at least so extent of the damage may be limited. The crisis is just looking to get worse before getting any better.

Tony Hayward said that they are preparing a 100 ton steel dome to cover up the affected leak area, but it would take 2 to 4 weeks to place it. This technique was used as study in shallow waters like around 350 feet, but the leak is too deep to see whether it could be a success, the leak and the oil is spewing out from nearly 5000 feet below.

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