BP Oil Spill Update: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Reaches the Shores of Mississippi, Alabama


UK Today News: BP Oil Spill Update: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Reaches the Shores of Mississippi, Alabama

BP Oil Spill 2010: It is reported that the BP Oil Spill at the Gulf of Mexico has reached the shores of Mississippi today. These reports were reported by Gov. Haley Barbour’s office.

BP Oil Spill Update

It is said that many researchers as well as residents in Alabama have reported the Gulf oil spill even on their shores.

Barbour’s office reported that a narrow strand of oil came shore on the island of Petit Bois. Spokeswoman for Barbour’s office, Laura Hipp said that the strand of oil was just about 2 miles long and 3 feet wide. Soon a crew was sent to clean the oil.

This was no surprise as the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration had warned that the slick that is spreading may head towards Alabama and Mississippi coasts.

BP is said to have started their latest attempt to stop the oil flow by using submarines. The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill is now the largest oil spill on the history of the United States.