Google Launches Background Image, But Users Want To Remove Google Background


UK Today News: Google Launches Background Image, But Users Want To Remove Google Background

Google Background Image, Remove Google Background: When Google first launched its logo back in 1999, which had vivid colour combinations in it, it had delighted peoples minds with immense happiness. We are not speaking of Google’s logo only, but the logos that we are talking about are the ones you see on peoples anniversaries, birthdays, or famous companies.

Jeff Koons Google Background Image

Google has now decided that after more than a decade, it may have a little change in its search page outlook. The internet giant today has launched a series of background images that can be used to customize one’s Google homepage. These images are not just normal backgrounds, but they are inspired artwork related to famous artists.

Naming a few, some art work is taken from Jeff Koons collections, famous for making large balloon art, some are taken from the artist, Dale Chihuly’s work, well known for making arts out of tentacle like glass sculptures. Now users can have their very own customized and colorful homepage of Google, rather than having just a plain old white search page.

However, now there are increasing cases of people trying to find out ways to remove the Google background. Reports say that there is no such option in place yet.