Sergio ‘El Shaka’ Vega Gunned Down Few Hours After Denying Murder Rumors


UK Today News: Sergio ‘El Shaka’ Vega Gunned Down Few Hours After Denying Murder Rumors

Sergio El Shaka Vega: Sergio Vega aka “El Shaka”, a Mexican singer who was well known for his songs about drug barons, was murdered on Saturday night barely a few hours after he denied reports that he had been murdered. Vega was driving in his red Cadillac to a concert in Sinaloa state in northwest Mexico, when gunmen shot at the singer.


Sergio Vega

Reports state that many musicians performing “narcocorridos” – which are songs celebrating the lives of drug barons – are known to have become the targets of rival drug gangs in Mexico.

The passenger in the car told El Debate newspaper that Sergio Vega was followed by a truck, which later fired shots at the car. The singer lost control of the car after crashing it. He added that the gunmen then killed Sergio by firing shots to Sergio’s head and chest.

Police blame the drug gangs for Sergio Vega’s killing and have confirmed to have found spent bullet shells next to the driver’s door.