Toyota Officially Announces Lexus Model Call Back 270000 Cars From The World Market


UK Today News: Toyota Officially Announces Lexus Model Call Back 270000 Cars From The World Market

Toyota Lexus recall: Toyota on Friday announced that it would begin to call back as many as 270000 cars from the world market, in order to fix a recurring engine problem. The company has decided to inform the transportation ministry of Japan in regards of the recall of 90000 vehicles present there, stated according to a spokeswoman from Toyota.

Toyota lexus

She has also stated the about 137000 vehicles from US too would be recalled and the rest would be called from worldwide car market. The information regarding which regions are affected and are having the faulty vehicles would be announced on Monday.

The company which said to be the world’s largest car manufacturer would be calling back its top of the line vehicles which include a host of Lexus’s and the Toyota Crown models. The Lexus models include, the LS460, LS600h, LS600hL, GS350, GS450h, GS460, and IS350. The Lexus model is a favorite car for the American people, and the calling back for this vehicle would seriously raise eyebrows everywhere.