Apple iPhone 4 Stocks Scarce In UK – iPhone 4 Sales Disrupted Due To Limited Supplies


UK Today News: Apple iPhone 4 Stocks Scarce In UK – iPhone 4 Sales Disrupted Due To Limited Supplies

Apple iPhone 4 UK: The stock of the Apple iPhone 4 seem to very low all over the UK. A statement from Apple officials which stated that ‘the phone is here’, seems to puzzle many people as they go to purchase the iPhone.

Apple iphone 4

Reports say that Apple’s iPhones have a shipping period of 3 months, which includes both the black and white iPhone models, and with the stocks so low in the UK, it is likely to be a disappointment for customers who have decided to purchase the device.

Apple has reportedly not even disclosed when the white version of the iPhone 4 will go on sale, but with the availability of normal stock dwindling, it seems that sales would be a tricky question for the company. The largest retail store of London, which is situated on London’s Regent Street, has stated that if their store has none of these phones, then no other outlet on UK would have them either.

Reports say that every new iPhone 4 that comes into the country is given to existing customers as well as those who are already on a contract with the O2 or Vodafone.

Apple’s iPhone 4 comes with a flaw in the form of an antenna issue, that is still being rectified.