Static Kill Is The Next Plan To Plug Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill


UK Today News: Static Kill Is The Next Plan To Plug Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill

Engineers will be commencing a two part process that will be used to plug the Gulf of Mexico spill permanently tonight.The first part of the process is called the Static kill and the second part is called the Bottom kill.

BP oil spill
(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Reports say that the ‘Static Kill’ process will include the pouring of cement in to the ruptured well, and then the ‘Bottom Kill’ will include of pouring mud and cement into the well by drilling a relief well in a step to plug it for good. The bottom kill process is scheduled to take at least seven days.

A temporary containment cap has been placed to hold the well from spewing oil into the gulf and it has been positive for two weeks now. The last process to seal of the well, is expected to be completed by the end of August.