Dr. Laura Schlessinger Apologizes For Using N – Word On Radio Show


UK Today News: Dr. Laura Schlessinger Apologizes For Using N – Word On Radio Show

Radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger has apologized for her comments which included the N-word, after using it many times on the radio this week. Schlessinger made a formal apology stating what she did was completely wrong. She said she was carried away during a conversation with an African-American caller on the radio.

Laura S

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

The caller has called her up to be advised on how to deal with her white husband. She wanted an alternative to deal with him, as he used to call her by racist names and his family members too used to this. Laura stated that every day she talks on positive things on the show, but what happened during the call was something very wrong.

Al Sharpton, a civil rights activist, stated that what Laura did was intimate. Because if one could really listen closely to what she had said to the caller, you could know that she was using the N-word in a very animated and intimate way.