US Study Claims That Vitamin A Pill Could Stop Blindness In Old Age


UK Today News: US Study Claims That Vitamin A Pill Could Stop Blindness In Old Age

Doctors have found that vitamin A pill could prove to be of great help when it comes to maintaining your eye sight in old age, according to a U.S. study. During the trials, it was found that vitamin A prevented people from getting blind in their old age.

Researchers found that the use of a drug called Fenretinide, stopped macular degeneration that advances with the growing age and for which no medicinal cure has been discovered as yet. The research was targeted at ‘dry AMD’, the most common condition that is caused by the macula cell deterioration. Macula is a part of retina that helps us to see straight ahead.

The research was carried out in the US on almost 250 men and women suffering with dry AMD. They were given a fentretinide pill everyday and after one year it was observed that the medicine stopped visual deterioration. The drug protected the healthy macular cells.

For the moment, the research is at the very initial state, but further study will definitely help in treating the disease.