Guitarist Slash Turns Down Million Dollar Offer to Reform Guns N’ Roses


Former Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash – who now performs with Velvet Revolver – has reportedly turned down the offer to make hundreds of millions of dollars by reuniting with the old band after it broke up.The reason being the bad relationship he had with singer Axl Rose.

In an interview with a magazine, Slash said: “I don’t think there’s ever a chance of a reunion. Things were so abrasive by the time I left, I’ve never thought, ‘Oh, wouldn’t it be nice to get back together.’ Because I know it wouldn’t! I can’t remember exact numbers, but it’s excessive. Oh, you know — seven, eight digit kinds of things.”


The Guns N’ Roses guitarist was also asked by GQ magazine if he was offered millions of dollars to reunite, to which he said: “Yeah. I am a pretty realistic kind of person, and don’t expend energy worrying, ‘What if?’ If I hear great music we did together, I respect it for what it was and appreciate it. But I’m not like everyone else around the band who wants to somehow try to recreate it because there’s so much money to be made.”

This happnes to be a very big amount to turn down but Slash added that it was quite sad that musicians fight are cannot to put their differences to one side for the sake of the music.