Former President Of Argentina Nestor Kirchner Laid To Rest In Rio Gallegos


UK Today News: Former President Of Argentina Nestor Kirchner Laid To Rest In Rio Gallegos

The funeral of Nestor Kirchner — the former President of Argentina who died of a reported heart attack on Wednesday — took place in his home town, Rio Gallegos. The funeral procession was led by his wife and sitting President Cristina Fernandez.

Reports state that there were many people gathered to salute the ex-President in his last journey, while it was still raining in Buenos Aires. Kirchner died of a cardiac arrest and was 60 years old.

The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva too joined the funeral ceremony.

Kirchner ran the Presidential office from the year 2003 to 2007. At the time of his death, he was his Fernandez’s Chief Political Strategist. He was also working as the Secretary General to Unasur, the South American Regional Group.

All football matches that were going to take place in Argentina, during this weekend had been called off and Argentina is observing three days of national mourning.