Elizabeth Smart’s testimony on day 2 reveals her encounter with a detective


UK Today News: Elizabeth Smart’s testimony on day 2 reveals her encounter with a detective

Elizabeth Smart spoke about her encounter with a detective, on the second day of her testimony on Tuesday. She spoke about the details of her kidnapping eight years ago and said that she could not dare speak in front of Mitchell to inform the official that it was Smart he was looking for.

Photo: Getty images

Smart said that the detective wanted to see the lady under the veil but defendant, Brian David Mitchell interfered in between. Mitchell kidnapped and raped Smart repeatedly for around 9 months.

She said in the court, “The detective said he was looking for Elizabeth Smart.” Mitchell appeared in between Smart and the detective and said that it wasn’t allowed to show the woman’s face in their religion, since he was a muslim.

Smart added, “Mitchell said that it was not allowed in our religion and that only my husband would ever see my face.”

Later on Smart said that the detective asked whether he can be a part of their religion for one day. She said, “The detective asked if he could be a part of our religion for a day, just so he could see my face, just so he could go back [to the police station] and say, ‘no it wasn’t Elizabeth Smart.'”

Smart was warned not to utter anything in front of the detective by kidnapper’s wife, Wanda Barzee, and she said she was mad at herself for not speaking up.