Singer Billy Joel recovering after double hip-replacement surgery


Renowned American musician, pianist and singer Billy Joel, is recovering from a double hip-replacement surgery, according to his spokeswoman Claire Mercuri, The 61 year-old singer had gone through the surgeon’s knife, where both his hips were operated on, in order to rectify some congenital problems.

Clair confirmed that the “River of Dreams” singer was doing extremely well after the surgery. However, there was no news about when he would return to work.

The six time Grammy award winner was included in the Songwriter’s Hall of fame in the year 1992, the Rock and Role Hall of Fame in the year 1999, the Long Island Music Hall of Fame 2006 as well as the Hit Parade Hall of fame in 2009.

Despite having never graduated from high school, Joel has been presented with multiple honorary doctorates. And his high school diploma was finally awarded 25 years after he left high school by the school board. Joel had also sponsored the Billy Joel Visiting Composer Series Syracuse University.