Tiger Woods Press Conference To Be Streamed Live on Youtube: Elin Unsure of Being There, Golf Writers of America Ban It


The world’s biggest video sharing site YouTube has reportedly announced that they will be broadcasting the much talked about Tiger Woods Press Conference live today!

This is some sort of historic event as it happens to be the first time that the shamed golfer Tiger Woods would be speaking in public after his string of adulterous affairs that rocked his career and marriage.

Tiger woods

Fans across the globe are looking forward to this much awaited Tiger Woods Press Conference which will have very few reporters and one camera only.

This limited coverage has annoyed the directors of the Golf Writers of America wwho have voted unanimously to boycott Woods’ statement and will only remove the bane if the Tiger Woods Press Conference is opened to all accredited media.

It looks like many people want to get answers from Woods, but he doesn’t seem to be interested in entertaining them right now. It will be streamed on Youtube for all of us to catch it.

Tiger Woods has already confessed to having been unfaithful to his wife Elin Nordegren in the past. They recently got back together but there are no reports if Elin will be present at the Press Conference.

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