Facebook to block Belgians without accounts


Social networking giant Facebook made a plan in which it will be following a court ruling in Belgium through which it will not track people who do not have accounts on the social network. The company said that it will provide details ahead of the order being served on it by the Belgian Privacy Commission that is expected to be out later this week.


The steps from Facebook includes that people who do not have accounts on the social network must create accounts and log in to the social networking website before they can see the publicly available pages and other content. A spokesperson from Facebook in an email said, “Today, anyone can see Facebook pages for small businesses, sports teams, celebrities and tourist attractions without logging into Facebook—typically found using a search engine”.
The dispute is largely due to the special cookie used by Facebook known as ‘datr’ that it claims to help it distinguish between the legitimate and illegitimate visits to the website. It helps to identify the browsers and not the individuals. The social network has claimed that with the help of the security cookie it has protected the Belgian people from more than 33,000 takeover attempts in the past month.

Photo Credits: cloudfront