Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts hacked


Social networking giant Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts have been taken over in recent times. People familiar with the matter have revealed that Mark reused his Facebook password ‘dadada’ on other social networks.

FB Mark

Facebook has earlier sent out the security tip for the users, not to use their Facebook passwords anywhere else online. Zuckerberg’s password surfaced online last month in a database of more than 100 million usernames and passwords that were stolen in 2012 from Linkedin Corp. it is an old tip not to reuse the passwords on other networks and this time Zuckerberg himself has fallen prey to the ignorance of security tips.
In recent times more than 360 million email addresses and passwords belonging to the users of Myspace.com were stolen. Even the website Leakedsource.com sells access to stolen information and has added one billion records to its database. The passwords might be many years old but can be useful for the hackers to take over the accounts.
On the other hand Zuckerberg’s account hack has not done much of damage as the hacker who took over his account posted his highly insecure password ‘dadada’ on the site. Moreover the Facebook CEO has hardly used his Twitter account and has Tweeted just 19 times.

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