Jesse James Mistresses Fuel Rumors of A Sandra -Jesse Divorce: Melissa Smith, Brigitte Daguerre Other Mistresses Besides Michelle McGee


After the shocking episode in Sandra Bullock’s marriage due to infidelity, her husband Jesse James is reported to also be involved in yet another affair with not one, but two more mistresses.


The girl who claims to have a two year affair with Jesse James is Melissa Smith. Recently Michelle “Bombshell” McGee told Star magazine that she was contacted by Jesse James through social networking platform MySpace in the year 2006.

The common factor in both these affairs are that both of them were contacted through Jesse James e-mail address and he used the nickname ‘Vanilla Gorilla’.

According to Melissa Smith, she states that she and James had steamy unprotected sex at least two times a week including once on his office couch in West Coast Choppers garage in California.

To add to Jesse James mistress list (and Sandra Bullock’s Misery), there is even a third mistress named Brigitte Daguerre.

Brigitte Daguerre is a Los Angeles based photographer and told reporters that Jesse James hired her in 2008 for some styling work for a West Coast Chopper photo shoot set. Now that went on to emailing and texting each other for at least a year. They both had sex just four times, she claims before she cut it off.

Brigitte Daguerre claims to have 195 text messages, many of them extremely graphic.

Poor Sandra Bullock! She won the prize that every actress dreams of – the Oscar – and was let down by her man!