Texas Appliance Rebate: Texas Powerful Smart Appliance Rebate Program Starts Today


UK Today News: Texas Appliance Rebate: Texas Powerful Smart Appliance Rebate Program Starts Today

A brand new Texas appliance rebate program will now help many Texans who buy certain appliances to receive a “Texas-sized rebate.”

Reports say that a new Texas Trade Up Appliance Rebate Program came into existence this month thanks to the $300 million which was kept for appliance rebates as part of the previous year’s federal stimulus package.

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The Texas Trade Up Appliance Rebate Program commenced from Wednesday, April 7th at 7 am and is hosted by the State Energy Conservation Office. People who are interested in this Texas Powerful Smart Appliance Rebate can sign up by making a call to the Texas Powerful Smart website.

So what’s so special about this texas appliance rebate? For starters, you are eligible for a cash rebate on up to two qualifying purchases that are made between April 16 and April 25. The rebates are available on home appliances, such as refrigerators, clothes washers, freezers, air conditioners, and many other household appliances.

The good new is that these rebates for appliances are in the range of $45 to $1,000.