Indiana Unemployment Uplink – For Uplink Claimant Self Service System


UK Today News: Indiana Unemployment Uplink – For Uplink Claimant Self Service System

Uplink is the other name of the Indiana Department of Workforce Development’s automated self service Unemployment Insurance system, according to the Indiana unemployment uplink website.


So what is Uplink all about ? According to reports, with the Uplink Claimant Self Service System, a person can have access to sophisticated services, every single day of the week.

The features in Uplink allow a person to do the following:
“Apply for unemployment benefits and file for weekly benefits on-line
Review claim status in detail and manage your own profile
Access help screens and navigation aids to assist you in using the system”. (Source: Uplink’s website)

In order to claim your unemployment insurance claim, make sure you go to the closest WorkOne Center, or go to Uplink’s website to to access Uplink CSS . They will then process your claim.