Administrative Professionals Day 2010 – Secretary’s Day Date 2010 Is Today


UK Today News: Administrative Professionals Day 2010 – Secretary’s Day Date 2010 Celebrated Today

Today is Administrative Professionals Day 2010, and this day will see employers and colleagues showing their appreciation for the work of those who hold administrative roles. Secretary’s Day 2010 is also celebrated today to show appreciation to all the wonderful secretaries who work so hard every day.

admin professional day

Administrative Professionals Day is also known as Administrative Professionals Week (APW) and is mostly celebrated in the last week in April. This year, Administrative Professionals Week 2010 is being celebrated from April 18 to April 24 2010 and Administrative Professionals Day is celebrated today, Wednesday, April 21.

Back in 2000, the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) renamed Professional Secretaries Day to Administrative Professionals Day in order to move with the changing trends and new job titles in the workforce of today.

Administrative Professionals Day is celebrated with community events, social get together, and corporate activities.

In the US, administrative assistants are known to receive gifts like flowers, chocolates, lunch in restaurants, or even the much appreciated time offs.

Happy Administrative Professionals Day and Secretary’s Day 2010!