Tropical Storm Conson Hits Philippines – 18 Dead and 57 Missing


UK Today News: Tropical Storm Conson Hits Philippines, 18 Dead and 57 Missing

Tropical Storm Conson: It has been confirmed that at least 18 people were found dead and 57 are gone missing, when the tropical storm Conson, hit the country of Philippines.

According to the Natural Disaster Coordinating Council, the storm was locally known as ‘Basayang’, which had sustained the winds upto 53 mph at 04.00 pm local time.

Tropical Storm Conson

The storm had made rainfall on the local island of Luzon on Tuesday. Casualties in the country had it toll after the storm passed away in the evening, as it was known that as many as 18 people died during the storm.

Four people were reported to be dead when a warehouse underconstruction caved in on them, and several others were hurt with the fallen debris. In many other parts people have been reported to have drowned and as many as 25 fishermen have been reported to be missing.

It is said that the storm which is now a typhoon, is moving towards south China, but the Typhoon Warning Center has predicted that there would be no threat from the storm the would be damaging in China, but floods and heavy rain would be a concern in the South China area.

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