Android’s Phone Sales Show A Huge Increase In The U.K. Market


UK Today News: Android’s Phone Sales Show A Huge Increase In The U.K. Market

The presence of Android with smartphones like HTC desire and Samsung GalaxyS, has boosted Android’s sales in the UK market. According to GFK Retail and Technology, the presence of Android in the market has gone up strongly during the second quarter, as it grew from three percent in the first quarter to 13.2 percent in the second quarter.

HTC Android-Phone

Contract sales have grown by less than one percent but sales of Androids have gone up by 350%.

The Apple iPhone 3G had given stiff competition to Android in the beginning of the year, but even after the launch of the iPhone4, many customers still opt for Android.

In addition to the above, people are still opting for more expensive contracts with their mobile phones, but then at the end of the year, they see other people with better phones and better technology as the OS in the phones are developing considerably.

2Smartphone sales in the first quarter accounted to 66.7% of the contract market in the second quarter and it was 55% in the first quarter at the beginning of 2010.