Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally At National Mall Sees Crowd Of Thousands


UK Today News: Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally At National Mall Sees Crowd Of Thousands

Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally Today: Glenn Beck headed a huge rally, called the “Restoring Honor” rally, at the National Mall in Washington on Saturday. The rally saw former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin among others, speaking to a crowd of thousands of people who gathered there.

Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck (Photo Credit: Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)

The ‘Restoring Honor’ rally happens to take place on the 47th anniversary of the “I Have a Dream” speech made by the great civil rights leader Martin Luther King. Beck said: “Something beyond imagination is happening, America today begins to turn back to God.” He added that the rally is all set to reclaim the civil rights movement.

At the Restoring Honor rally, there was a video clip of the speech made by the late civil rights leader, which was followed by King’s niece, Alveda King, making an appearance. The rally also saw Sarah Palin tell the crowd of thousands of people, “You have the same steel spine and moral courage as Washington and Lincoln and Martin Luther King.”

Reports state that the “Restoring Honor” rally was aimed to be an event to celebrate the commitment and patriotism to America. However, many have criticized the rally.