Mario Vargas Llosa Awarded Nobel Prize for Literature 2010


UK Today News: Mario Vargas Llosa From Peru Awarded Nobel Prize for Literature 2010

Nobel Prize for Literature 2010 – Mario Vargas Llosa, a Peruvian-spanish writer, has been awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize for Literature . Llosa’s accomplishments include political works which put emphasis on threat of power and corruption prevailing in Latin America.

Mario Vargas Llosa (Photo: Reuters)

The Swedish Academy in Stockholm who is responsible for literature awards highly praised Vargas and while awarding him, stated, “For his cartography of the structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual’s resistance, revolt and defeat.”

Mario Vargas Llosa holds the credit for writing more than 30 novels, plays and essays that include, “The Feast of the Goat” and “The War of the End of the World.” Vargas Llosa, in his novels, writes about the mindsets of people regarding politics. When he was younger, he wrote for newspapers and spent time abroad working in Paris, Madrid and London.

Nobel Prizes for Chemistry, Physics too have just been announced recently.