Expect a sunny Easter holiday, say British weathermen


UK Today News: In some good news for the holidayers, during the upcoming Easter holiday, the weather in the UK will remain stable with sunshine to continue till the end of the season. While most of the UK has planned a holiday, the sun too will be generous by shining bright, instead of subjecting Britons to bad weather.

Queen Elizabeth attending service on a sunny Easter Sunday 2010

Meanwhile, the people who seem a bit concerned are the water company authorities. The water companies – especially in the Bristol area – are looking forward to some rain, as the water levels in the reservoirs are rapidly depleting thanks to the scorching sun and increased water usage.

To add to it, the freezing temperatures in the month of December and January had destroyed many of the cordyline palms as well as the water plants in the north and Midlands. According to the meteorological office authorities, the temperatures are expected to increase up to 22C by Thursday.

The officials have also said that some scanty showers are expected to break the normal pattern. A spokesman from the meteorological department has said that the Easter holiday will experience pleasant weather and the temperatures will fall after Sunday along with some bright sunshine. Some of the regions in the south will have more sunshine.

According to the Bristol Water, it has been the driest April in 75 years. Despite the heavy meltdown of snow, the water companies are looking forward to some rain.

Rain or shine, we hope Britishers have a wonderful Easter Sunday!