Dell to venture into wearable computing business


US-based computer manufacturer Dell says that it is exploring ideas in the wearable computing space, as it admits that corporate customers are not so fast to adopt Windows 8 tablets. With this in mind, the company is considering a move into the wearable computing sector, as it deals with the shrinking PC market. The global vice-president of Dell, Sam Burd said that they are currently exploring ideas in that space.


These days, the computing technology which can be worn on the body has become one of the hottest spaces in the tech market. At the moment, thousands of people are testing the search engine giant Google’s head-mounted Glass system. The California-based company has already sold more than 85,000 units of the Bluetooth-connected smart watches.

Rumors are circulating that Apple is all set to introduce the iWatch, while other companies, including Samsung, Foxconn (which manufactures iPhones), LG and Phillips have also announced their devices, but only a few have actually revealed their wearable devices.

Burd, while talking to the reporters, said, “There are challenges in cost, and how to make it a really good experience”. However, the interesting part is that computers are getting smaller every day and having a high-tech watch on the wrist becomes interesting, as well as appealing.