Chopper to pick up Prince William when Kate goes into labor


As the due date of Kate Middleton fast approaches, the Queen has put a high-speed helicopter on standby to take Prince William back to Kate when she goes into labor. As soon as Kate goes into labor, the 175 mph Sikorsky S-76c chopper will be available for William to get him back from his RAF base in Anglesey to London in time to be close to Kate when she gives birth to their first child which is due next week.


This also means that, in the meantime, Prince can carry on with his routine work as a rescue pilot until the last moment, without worrying about missing out on the birth. This way, William has a backup so that he does not get stuck in any traffic jams or train delays. Sources have said that he promised Kate that he will be there and this also shows how serious he is about being a modern father.

William has promised that he will be there for Kate, no matter what, as they will have their child in St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, West London, where his mother Princess Diana gave birth to him in June 1982.