Westminster Dog Show begins at the Madison Square Gardens


Tonight at 8 PM EST the Westminster Dog Show begins at the Madison Square Gardens.

Westminster dog

This is that show, where the best dogs around the country compete for prestigious awards.

Lot of sport is taking place around the corner, like the winter Olympics, whereas on the other side, man’s best friend and dog lovers are all excited about the Westminster Dog Show.

This time the competition will showcase around 2,500 dogs and the Westminster Dog Show goes on for two whole days.

The main award for the highest honor, “best in show” would be awarded on Feb 16th 11 PM EST. Due to this event in New York all pet friendly hotels are full including dog spas all booked.

Westminster Dog Show will showcase 173 dog breeds, which consists of three new breeds, the Norwegian Buhunds, the Pyrenean Shepherds and the Irish Red and White Setters.

All dog and animal lovers would really love to watch the Westminster Dog Show as it leaves some good reputation from all the shows every after year.