Samsung to debut finger-gesture-controlled TV range in UK in January 2014


Samsung is all set to reveal its new TV range which will be showcased at CES at the beginning of January 2014. The upcoming range of TVs will feature goggleboxes, which will allow users to change the volume and switch channels by simply waving their fingers.

finger gesture samsung

There are even more surprises for tech enthusiasts, as the company will also be showcasing its voice controls, which means that users will just have to utter words in order to change the channels. The voice-controlled sets will be rolled out in 12 new markets, which means that they will be available in 23 countries in total.

The official blog of Samsung mentioned that user can pause what is playing on the TV by simply moving fingers anti-clockwise. The company has also improved the voice control feature. This means that user can just say what channel number he wants to watch and it will flick over. The company’s 2013 models required users to say ‘Channel Change’, as well as the channel number user wants to watch.

CES is all set to begin on January 7, 2014. So far, smart TVs did not manage to achieve plenty of success in the UK market, as they are too complicated and also too expensive. There are rumors that Apple is also working on its own smart TV.

Photo Credits: CBSI