Sales ban on foreign game consoles lifted by China


The decade-long ban foreign video game consoles has been finally lifted by China. A statement from China’s State Council on January 7, 2014 said that foreign companies will now be enabled to produce game consoles in Shanghai’s free trade zone and then sell them to consumers in China.


Companies will be able to sell their consoles following an inspection, which will be conducted by the country’s cultural departments. The State Council did not announce how long the suspension might last. Reports say that even if the suspension of the ban is permanent, console makers will most likely have to face a number of challenges in order to adapt themselves to the market in China.

Gamers in China are used to getting their video games for free and paying only for extra features and add-ons. In addition to that, about 70 percent of consumers in China earn around $634 each month. This means that the majority of users would find it difficult to afford an Xbox One or a PlayStation 4, which range from $400 to $500.

Consoles which are currently available in China can run modified games, which cost around $1 per piece. Not many Chinese gamers will be able to shell out up to $60 for an Xbox or PlayStation title.

Photo Credits: Yahoo