Unicef pressurizes UK to transfer children from Calais camp


The British Government is being pressurized by the Unicef to advance the transfer the unaccompanied child refugees from the ‘Jungle’ migrant camps at Calais. Unicef is insisting due to the concerns that the planned closure of the camp could result in the disappearance of the children before they are processed.


Unicef has estimated that more than 400 unaccompanied children in the Jungle are eligible to come to Britain. On the other hand the Home Office has assured that it is committed to resettle the children who are vulnerable. French President Francois Hollande had visited Calais on October 3, 2016 and assured that the Jungle camp will be cleared by the end of 2016.
There are several children and adults who are due to be relocated to the reception centres. The Unicef has also expressed fears that the children would resist to be sent to the centres while their cases are being processed.
Deputy Executive director of Unicef UK, Lily Caprani said, “Last time part of the Jungle camp was demolished, hundreds of children went missing. We don’t know what happened to them.” Caprani added that the charity has major fears that the plans could be sabotaged due to the traffickers or people who exploit them in different ways.

Photo Credits: independent