Elisabeth Hasselbeck apologizes to Erin Andrews About The Joke She made On Her: Elisabeth Hasselbeck Apology Video


UK Today News: Elisabeth Hasselbeck apologized to Erin Andrews About The Joke She made On Her: See Elisabeth Hasselbeck Apology Video

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Erin Andrews, Elisabeth Hasselbeck Apology Video: Elisabeth Hasselbeck was in tears when she apologized to Erin Andrews about the joke she made of the peephole video stalking, that had made a mess of the ESPN sports presenters’ life.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Gives Tearful Public Apology to Erin Andrews Video

She said that she was very sorry about her rude comments about Erin’s skimpy outfit in the show dancing with the stars. She spoke on the peephole video incident saying, that the guy who did it should have waited for some time and seen her on dancing with the stars.

Michael David Barrett, was convicted of leaking the video that he had shot through the hotel door of Erin’s room. He was convicted for interstate stalking and was sentenced for 2 ½ years of prison. Instead of confronting her, she said that if I were him I would have just waited for 12 weeks and seen her skimpy costume on the show, dancing with the stars.

Erin’s partner on dancing with the star, Maksim Chmerkovski, said that Hasselbeck is stupid and jealous of them for making such nasty remarks.
It was Wednesday when Hasselbeck was in tears, while she was telling her daughter that she had hurt someone with her words.