Daffy s Pet Soup Kitchen And Backyard Sanctuary Face The Financial Crunch – Call for Help


UK Today News: Daffy’s Pet Soup Kitchen And Backyard Sanctuary Face The Financial Crunch – Call for Help

Daffy s Pet Soup Kitchen: America’s popular pet organization, Daffy’s Pet Soup Kitchen and the Backyard Sanctuary are calling out to bail them from the financial issues they have reportedly been experiencing from a a long time.

Daffys Kitchen

Reports say that Daffy’s Pet Soup Kitchen and the Backyard Sanctuary accepted that their organization’s economy is on a ride down the hill, but that hardly makes a difference for euthanizing animals. Most of the time, the works of these organizations just go unnoticed. They say that people should understand that by caring for the animals, an organization actually helps the taxpayer.

These organizations actually keep these animals alive at homes, but given the present financial situation, the animals under their care are likely to be fed only one meal a day. Their situation is so bad, that they don’t have enough money to rent a truck to bring food for their animals in their shelters. For the moment they are looking at collecting $7500 to go along with their monthly bills. Their condition is in dire straits.

Would you like to help Daffy’s Pet Soup Kitchen? They need your help and say that “everything accepted, nothing is too small.”

You can donate online or send checks to:

SOS Club
PO Box 1640
Lilburn, Ga. 30048