Three People Arrested In Connection With Norway Al-Qaeda Bomb Plot


UK Today News: Three People Arrested In Connection With Norway Al-Qaeda Bomb Plot

The Norway Police have reported that three men have been arrested in Norway and in Germany, in connection with the planning of bomb explosions on various locations around Norway. The identities of the three men have been revealed- one of them is a Uigchur, from China, another one is an Iraqi and the third one is an Uzbek. It is believed to these men have been allegedly linked with the Al-Qaeda.


It was later known that these men may also have links to the US and the UK bombings. All the three, who are Norwegian citizens, have been staying in the country for a long time, and these men were under surveillance for almost a year . Reports state that these men may have contacts outside the country with people who have links with the terrorist group Al-Qaeda.

Reports say that the Chinese Muslim, 39, from Uigchur, was residing in Norway from 1999; the Iraqi, 37, had been granted to live in Norway only on humanitarian grounds, and the Uzbek, 31, was a permanent resident of Norway. More details regarding the three men have not been disclosed.