Michigan Oil Spill Puts Wildlife In Danger – Enbridge Says Spill Is Contained


UK Today News: Michigan Oil Spill Puts Wildlife In Danger – Enbridge Says Spill Is Contained

The Environmental Protection Agency has provided some good news, as the advancement of Michigan’s Enridge oil spill down the river of Kalamazoo has been stopped at around 25 miles from the oil spill site.

Kalamazoo River

Reports say that even though the agency has provided the people with good news, the river’s ecosystem has been hampered tremendously. Around 47 animals have been found in oil slicked condition, most of them are birds. They are being washed and are under proper care.

It more than just fish and birds that have been affected in the area, some have also found deers with oil spots on their hooves, which clearly indicates that there are affects outside the river’s ecosystem. There has been a steep decrease in the oxygen level of the water in the river, as a result of which many fishes and amphibians have perished in large numbers.