US Joins Japan During 65th Anniversary Of Hiroshima Atomic Bombing


UK Today News: US Join’s Japan During 65th Anniversary Of Hiroshima Atomic Bombing

Hiroshima: For the first time in both the nation’s history, Japan allowed a US representative to participate in the Hiroshima’s Atomic Bombing ceremony which took place in Japan. A US representative joined Japan in the 65th anniversary event, which is a step to promote the awareness of global nuclear disarmament.


The Mayor of Hiroshima welcomed John Roos to the ceremony in Hiroshima. The event included choirs of children who singing and sounds of bells that rang all throughout the ceremony. The event was organised on the spot where the bomb had fallen in the city.

There was a moment of silence observed at 08.15 a.m., which was the precise time when the bomb was dropped over Hiroshima.

The event began with the offering of water to the 140000 victims who had died in Hiroshima atomic bomb explosion. The Mayor spoke in the speech stating that the message should reach to every nation on earth, that there should be nuclear disarmament.

The Mayor had expected that President Obama would have attended the ceremony but it was considered highly controversial for an American President to attend this ceremony.