Dana Delany Reveals Botched Botox Job – Praises Jamie Lee Curtis, Meryl Streep


UK Today News: Dana Delany Reveals Botched Botox Job – Praises Jamie Lee Curtis, Meryl Streep

Desperate Housewives star Dana Delany has sworn off botox and spoke about the hazards of cosmetic surgery, following a Botox job which went totally wrong; and made her end up with a droopy right eye.

In an interview with Prevention magazine, the 54-year-old actress spoke about a horrible mistake that she made 7 years ago, when her doctor insisted that she try botox, even though she had no idea what it was all about. It took just one badly administered injection to the forehead to create a dead nerve and huge hematoma, in addition to the horror of a droopy eye.

This botched botox incident has made her take a strong stand against cosmetic surgery and the actress is quite sure that she will not be going into any such procedures ever again. Delany even commended actresses Jamie Lee Curtis and Meryl Streep for not giving into such procedures. She added, ” I think the really great actresses don’t worry about that kind of thing.”