Lily Allen to collaborate with Pink for upcoming album


British singer Lily Allen is surely going to have an exciting year ahead. Allen is pregnant with her second baby and is also revisiting her musical roots and collaborating with the popular American singer Pink.

Lily took a break from singing but is now back in action, after she opted for a quite life with her now husband Sam Cooper. Lily could not keep away from music for long and has grabbed the opportunity to feature in Pink’s new album , ‘The Truth About Love’.

In a recent interview Pink revealed, “For the last 14 years, everyone has said no. But this album, everyone said yes…I think that’s because people think I’ve softened. I think people maybe think I bite!” The latest album will be Pink’s sixth collection and is all set to be released on September 17, 2012.

However Lily is not the only singer who will be contributing for the album. The singer revealed that her daughter Willow will also have her inputs by playing bells and bass in two tracks. The star even confessed that e is actually pretty good and is better on the bass than she is. The singer also said that she plays the piano and is too talented in terms of a 13 month old.