Queen Elizabeth II unlikely to follow in Queen Beatrix’s footsteps


The sudden abdication of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands will not have any direct impact on the British Monarchs, but many are now looking to see whether Queen Elizabeth II follows suite. Queen Beatrix decided to step down from her Royal position on January 28, 2013, just 2 days before her 75th birthday. This move meant that her son Willem-Alexander, prince of Orange, has  become the King at 45.


The tradition of ushering abdications run in Queen Beatrix’s family. The throne was passed down to her in 1980, when she was 42-years-old, by her mother Queen Juliana. Her grandmother, Queen Wilhelmina renounced the throne to her daughter in 1948 as well. On the contrary, Queen Elizabeth II, who is 86-years-old, shows no signs of quitting the throne. She put a lot of rumors to rest by celebrating her Diamond Jubilee in 2012.

James Kirkup, in his blog, wrote that he had spoken to many people who are close to the Royal family, ranging from politicians to officials, who were of the opinion that Queen Elizabeth II is not a person who would do away with her responsibilities. The British Prime Minister David Cameron too snubbed rumors that the Queen would quit the throne and the post would then go from Prince Charles to Prince William.

Information from media sources reveal that the queen will continue to stick to her oath of taking care of the people and her country as long as possible.