Sex education trying to keep up behind online porn


According to a study published on May 24, 2013, some of the authors think that schools must include relationship and sex education in their curriculum and also include enough time to deal with pornography.

sex education and online porn

Deputy Children’s Commissioner Sue Berelowitz says that lessons on relationship should start from the primary school. According to their reports, children at a very young age are being exposed to pornography and the proportion has increased with age.

Urgent steps need to be taken in order to make children more resilient towards different types of pornography, claims Berelowitz. Watching porn is just a click away and the young children and adolescents can easily access it either on their cell phones or tablets. Reports also said that pornography can really bring a change in the behavior and attitude of children and young people.

Watching porn can really lead to sexually permissive attitudes. It would give men the belief that they should dominate women, who would only be considered as sex objects. According to the authors, a distinction is generally made between different categories of people who watch pornography. Young males watch it more aggressively, whereas young women generally tag it as socially distasteful.

Such conclusion can be reached after this survey conducted in England. The parents do play a crucial role in the society and should realize the effect of pornography on young minds.