Mandatory eating of greens to make children unhappy – Study


Many parents pressurize their children to eat greens as it is good for them to get nutrition. However this does not make the children happy. A study has shown that children who are allowed to have sweets and watch TV in moderation score higher for well being than those who are denied of the pleasure.


A study by the Department of Health found that activities like playing sports and other such activities are related to feel good, but eating the portions of fruits and vegetables is not. Data has been collected from about 13,000 children which showed that those who enjoy unhealthy food items like sweets if fizzy drinks and watch TV in moderation live happier and are more happier and have a better childhood than those who are not allowed at all.

A study has been carried out by the NatCen Social Research which concluded that the factors like deprivation from the family and problems at school lead to a negative impact on the child. Moreover, children whose parents enjoyed good health have higher levels of happiness in the daily lives.

When it comes to eating, the findings are not much likely to please the health experts. Results have also shown that eating fruits and vegetables has a very little effect and might even make the children less happy overall.

Photo Credits: Webmd