Jack Herer passes away – Emperor of Hemp


UK Today News: Jack Herer passes away – Emperor of Hemp

Jack Herer, author of the books like Grass and The Emperor Wears No Clothes passed away in Eugene, Oregon. He was 70 years of age. Jack Herer was an iconic advocate of cannabis legalization and he described himself as the Emperor of Hemp.
Jack Herer

The “Emperor of Hemp” is also a documentary made about his life.

He stood for the United States President twice, in 1988 (1,949 votes) and 1992 (3,875 votes) as the Grassroots Party candidate.

Jack Herer’s life was dedicated to the support of cannabis, hemp and marijuana. He strongly believed that the cannabis sativa plant should be decriminalized as it has many properties of renewable source of fuel, food, and medicine. It could be grown anywhere in the world too. He believed that the US government deliberately hides all these things from the people.

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