Online social networking sites like Facebook cause stress, say doctors


UK Today News: Online social networking sites like Facebook cause stress, say doctors

Social Networking websites like Facebook could possibly be one of the main reasons of an increased level of stress in teenagers, according to reports by five doctors who wrote to The Lancet.

Reports state that this the case is of an 18 year old boy, who is an asthma patient. A team of five doctors have come together for the study and one of the aspects that they want to highlight, is that this boy was perfectly fine till the time he broke up with his girlfriend on Facebook. His mother was asked to take the measurements at the time when he logged on Facebook.

The lead author of the study, Dr Gennaro D’Amato said, “The temporal relation with onset of symptoms suggests that Facebook login was the trigger of asthma exacerbations, in which hyperventilation might play a key role.”

D’Amato further added, “This case indicates that Facebook, and social networks in general, could be a new source of psychological stress, representing a triggering factor for exacerbations in depressed asthmatic individuals. Considering the high prevalence of asthma, especially among young people, we suggest that this type of trigger be considered in the assessment of asthma exacerbations.”

The report added that the addiction to social networking websites is increasing and if teenagers or even adults, don’t take the matter seriously, there is a likelihood that everyone might face some kind of psychological problem. Prevention is always better than a cure.