Winter tips to keep your skin glowing this big freeze


UK Today News: Along with white snow and festive cheer, winter in the UK (and in this case, the ‘big freeze’) also brings dryness of the skin and chapped lips. The cold weather keeps your skin bright and clear, but it is essential to look after the skin in the harsh weather. A few household tips can take good care of your skin.

Important skin care tips to keep in mind:
Switch off the dryness: Make sure you your give enough moisture to your skin. Apply a good moisturizer immediately after shower since this helps the skin to absorb the lotion while your skin is still moist.

Warm water for bathing: A hot water bath in winter is indeed soothing, but it leaves your skin dry. Try to spend less time in the bathroom during winter and use a soap free cleanser for your body and face.

Maintain hygiene: During winter, due to excessive clothes, the skin within the clothes become damp and start to stink. Make sure you use a good deo spray or good talcum powder. And a regular bath daily is equally important.

Hydration: Since we tend to drink less water in the winter, this may lead to problems like dandruff and excessive dryness of skin. Drinking plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated even in winters, is a must for good health.