First Google store opens in the UK


UK Today News: Search engine giant Google has now hit the retail market and has opened its first store in London, UK on September 30, 2011. It comes as a surprise as the first store which was supposed to be opened in California was actually opened in London.

The store offers Chromebook laptops of Google and also a few more accessories of Google which include headphones. The store will run just for three months up to Christmas.

This is just like an experiment for the search engine to open a temporary store. In the future, the company may also plan on opening several permanent stores in order to give competition to its rival Apple – which will soon be launching its new devices.

Google’s store is known as the ‘Chromezone’ and was hardly known by anyone when the store was opened. On the other hand, the Apple store was popular and everyone was waiting for its store to open. The head of consumer marketing at Google UK, Arvind Desikan, said that it is their first attempt to open a physical retail . Desikan added that it is a new channel for the company and it is still their very early days. Arvind also said that this is like an experiment for the company to see where it actually leads.