Philips launches Android compatible Fidelio speakers


UK Today News: Electronics giant Philips has recently launched a range of its new speakers that would be having the support for Android phones. The company has launched Fidelio that are compatible with the Android devices.

The earlier offerings of the Fidelio have been exclusively compatible with the devices of Apple like the iPod, iPad and iPhone and now the company has created a standard connector which would be compatible with the whole range.

The only difficulty Philips was facing so far was that Android phones have been offered by many companies, out of which only a few had agreed on where the USB connector would be situated. This was the reason it was impossible to create a dock that was compatible with most of the Android devices.

However, the company has now found a solution by creating a micro USB connector on the speaker docks that can be rotated to a full 360 degrees and also moved horizontally along with a belt, which would allow almost any Android device. The devices which do not have a standard micro USB port would not be compatible with the speakers.

The price of the speakers would start from £70 to £170 and three models of the speakers are currently available in the UK market.