Angelina Jolie speaks up for rape victims suffering in wars


Angelina Jolie recently used her star power to stand behind the rape victims of the war. She, along with the major states of the world, agreed that rape and sexual violence is a heinous crime and that criminals should not be allowed to go scot free. During a London summit, in a press conference, Jolie mentioned that rape and sexual violence is a global issue and an important matter which needs to be fixed first.

Angelina Jolie

New funds to the tune of 23 million pounds have been allocated to set a framework to stop such barbaric acts and getting hold of the guilty. Jolie, also a United Nations special envoy for refugee issues, praised fellow campaigner William Hague for working on this issue. They visited the Democratic Republic of Congo to promote this issue.

A new declaration states that people found breaching the Geneva Convention would have to undergo severe consequences. Signatories would be answerable and accountable and would be responsible for getting hold of the perpetrators. The document asked G8 to find new ways for investigating these crimes and training their militaries accordingly to deal with it.

The Save the Children organization was happy with the declaration and praised the UK for playing a major part in making this happen.