Facebook launches safety check for natural disasters


Social media giant Facebook launches safety check for natural disasters.

How often has it happened that you have turned to Facebook to check on your near and dear ones during a natural disaster? If the answer is yes, you fall in the majority of the population. Facebook has used this as a basis to make lives easier for people. They have introduced a safety check for natural disasters, where people can know your status instantly. The tool is activated instantly when a natural disaster occurs in a city or country you live in.

Facebook Safety feature

The security tool tracks your location either by the location you said you live in or by the “Nearby Friends” feature. At a time of crisis, the Safety Check alerts your family and friends about users, while also tracking the status of others around them. This project began in 2011, after the Japan earthquake that rocked the country.

The earthquake also triggered a 10-meter high Tsunami and the two calamities collectively caused the loss of thousands of lives. Amidst all the widespread panic and rescue work that was carried out, social media had become a key feature in trying to locate people. Several people were saved after they updated statuses on Facebook.

Once a natural disaster occurs, the tool will pop up a dialog box on the user’s phone, which will have a “I’m safe.” button. Once the user clicks on that option, their relatives and friends will be alerted instantly.

The feature was tested a year after the Japan earthquake and the response it received was “overwhelming“. The feature is currently live for all Facebook users.

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